"Front Room" excerpt on Play4Keeps Podcast

Play4Keeps is an initiative of Ashland New Plays Festival, which for 28 seasons has encouraged and supported playwrights in the development of new works for the stage. Play4Keeps podcast featured a Richard Kalinoski's, "Front Room" as a free play release.
This play has some romance to warm your heart and a strong female lead in the style of Jane Eyre to rally around. The story takes us into the world of Sandra, a middle-aged theater professor, and her attempt to safeguard her irascible, hoarder mother, while also carving out time for herself and a meaningful new relationship. Can she find happiness? Will her mother let her?
Our recording features the talents of Vilma Silva as Sandra, Brandy Carson as her mother Abby, James Ryen as Tyler, Maddy Flemming as Alicia/Waitress/Social Worker, and stage directions read by Grant Luecke.
Check out the full article and listen here.